Blog Talk: Temptations of a Book Blogger


A few weeks ago, I wrote about some of the temptations I’ve encountered as a novice book blogger. You can read my original post here.   Confession time: I’ve been better at warning others of temptations than I have at resisting them.

In particular, the temptation I referred to as The Author’s Best Friend Temptation – that seemingly irresistible urge (for me, anyway) to say ‘Yes’ to review requests from authors when you really should glance at your TBR pile and say ‘No’.  As a consequence, I’ve amassed quite a stack of books from indie authors needing review, some going back several months.

In an effort to make amends, I’ve decided to devote July to reading and reviewing as many of these books as I possibly can.  In order to do that, I’ve made a deliberate effort to limit my other commitments next month and read ahead as much as possible for blog tours or publication dates in July.

And what about some of the other temptations I identified, like The NetGalley Frenzy Temptation? Ah well, best draw a veil over that one for the time being. One confession is enough for now.

9 thoughts on “Blog Talk: Temptations of a Book Blogger

      1. Me too. I felt as a new blogger I couldn’t say no and thought people would think me rude. But I’ve learned that it’s okay and so far they’ve all been very understanding. There are only so many hours in the day!

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  1. We all have to struggle with balancing what we want to do and what we’re actually able to do. As book bloggers, we tend to hoard books and consistently add to our to-read lists without thinking about when we’ll actually have the time to read all of it. Good for you for reflecting on it and trying to keep it under control!

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  2. Yes! I recently started blogging and I still get so excited when an author reaches out that it I find it incredibly difficult to say no. I need to find a balance between arcs and books that I simply “want” to read. Fantastic post!

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